ActioNet takes Action on COVID-19 Response

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By Monica O. As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) impacts businesses and communities across the world, ActioNet has taken a number of steps to support our employees. We believe it is extremely important to do our part to support containment through preventative measures such as social distancing. Therefore, effective March 16th, ActioNet has implemented the following COVID-19… Read more »

Take your Kids to Work Day

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Woman celebrates take your child to work day from home

By Lina J. Take your Kids to Work Day was created in 1993 in New York City by Gloria Steinem and the MS Foundation for Women. This national day was originally called “Take Our Daughters to Work Day” and is celebrated each year on the fourth Thursday of April. According to National Women’s History Museum,… Read more »

ActioNeters Raced for World Down Syndrome Day

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ActioNeters raised money for the National Down Syndrome Society by Racing for 321

ActioNeters worked together to raise money for the National Down Syndrome Society in the virtual Racing for 3.21 event By Bobby T. During the week of March 21st, ActioNet and the country began preparing contingency plans to work remotely as a result of COVID-19. Despite those preparations, Team ActioNet was able to still give back… Read more »

Team ActioNet Is Racing for 3.21 for World Down Syndrome Day

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ActioNet will be participating in the 321 World Down Syndrome Day Race

By Bobby T. Team ActioNet is thrilled to support The National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) through participating in their “virtual” Racing for 3.21 event! NDSS is the largest nonprofit in the United States dedicated to globally advocating for all individuals with Down syndrome. Their mission is to be the leading human rights organization for all… Read more »

PSOPPC-NPSD Team Wins Annual Team Achievement Award!

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The award-winning ActioNet PSOPPC-NPSD team

The PSOPPC-NPSD Team By Tomas M. At the recent ActioNet Winter Party and 22nd Anniversary Celebration, the PSOPPC-NPSD Health Services Business Unit team was presented with the Annual ActioNet Team Achievement Award.  The Team Achievement Award is presented to the ActioNet team that has provided excellent service to the customer in the last year. The… Read more »

ActioNeters Volunteer at Food & Friends

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ActioNeters Volunteering at Food and Friends

ActioNet family Mason, Theresa, Marianne, Andrew, Angelica, Francesca, Volunteer, and Ramon gathered at Food & Friends last weekend to help package meals for those in need By Ramon de G. ActioNeters volunteered during the month of February at the Washington, DC Food & Friends.  Together eight ActioNeters packaged for delivery, specially designed meals to meet… Read more »

ActioNet Sponsors Racing for 3.21 on World Down Syndrome Day

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Bobby T. (center) smiling after finishing a race for The National Down Syndrome Society By Bobby T. I’ve been involved in sports essentially all my life, mostly playing basketball from third grade through high school. I eventually discovered an appreciation for running as it became difficult to gather friends for local basketball games or tournaments. … Read more »