ActioNet Wear Pink in Support of Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day

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By Janice R October 13 was designated by Congress back in 2009 as “National Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day”.  Metastatic Breast Cancer refers to Stage IV breast cancer, where cancer cells spread to other parts of the body including the bones, liver, lungs or brain.  This has already hit home for me. In 2011 one… Read more »

ActioNet’s Team Spirit!

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By Tamika C. September is a month of change! Summer to Fall, Baseball to Football! Back to School! ActioNet knows change is best handled when executed as a Team! ActioNeter’s showed their team spirit by wearing their favorite team jerseys while celebrating those who have September birthdays. Just like those teams, ActioNet calls the plays… Read more »

ActioNet Boston Cheers on the Red Sox

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ActioNeter Lisa Snapped a Photo of the Field from her Seat By Tracy S. On Tuesday, 11 September, ActioNeters from the Boston, MA area gathered at Cask n’ Flagon Restaurant before transitioning to historic Fenway Park to enjoy a major league baseball game. We feasted on an excellent buffet meal, which included steak tips, bourbon… Read more »

ActioNeters Team Up to Give Back in Back-to-School Drive

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ActioNeters collected school supplies for back-to-school drive to benefit Drew Model school

ActioNeters Worked Together to Collect Dozens of School Supplies for the Drew Model School Back-to-School Drive By Mengie W. It’s amazing that summer slipped by before we know it. Even as the time flew by, we did not forget ActioNet’s commitment to the community. As we do every year, ActioNet employees came through again with… Read more »

ActioNeters Participate in Agile Challenge and Microsoft Hackathon

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By Michelle V & Chris S On July 25th 2018, ActioNeters across the D.C. Metro area banded together to form the ActioNet A-Team in order to compete in the “Great Agile Challenge”.  This was the very first “hackathon” event and was hosted at Microsoft’s HQ in Chevy Chase, MD.  Competing Agile Teams were given only… Read more »

ActioNet Makes Impact in Agile/DevSecOps Challenge

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Agile Hack-A-Thon Group

ActioNet Agile/DevSecOps Challenge Team was all Smiles after the Event by Chris S. ActioNet was proud to send an Agile Team to participate in an Agile/DevSecOps Challenge in conjunction with our customer and Microsoft.  All of the teams from across the agency came out to show off their CI/CD (continuous integration and continuous deployment) skills… Read more »