At ActioNet, our ultimate measure of achievement is Customer Success. We Innograte to Enable America’s Critical Missions for its Health, Well-being and Security.

We provide Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance (SETA) at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, New Orleans, LA.

US Marine Corps
Provides engineering, installation and refresh of network infrastructure equipment with integration, testing, and fielding of current Technology Readiness Level 9 (TRL-9) capabilities for the United States Marine Corps.

Air Force
Provides a full range of support services, including office automation, web-based application development, and LAN support.

Ensures the operational health and reliability of the ARMY & DISA network, including server, network, and desktop management services.

Defense Health Agency
Provide IT services to Military Treatment Facilities (MTFs) and Other Lines-of-Business (OLBs) including Service Desk, Database, Application and Web Development, Identity Management, Data Center Operations and Information Assurance.

Department of State
Provides business applications and IT infrastructure network support services across the department.

Department of Transportation
Provides enterprise-wide IT services and mission systems development across all modes of transportation.

Department of Commerce
Delivers a common framework for cross-cutting, tiered services across the NOAA and DoC enterprise.

Department of Energy
Provides a full range of technical and professional Information Technology (IT) support services, including all aspects of operating and supporting the IT infrastructure.

Department of the Treasury
Delivers information assurance and cyber security solutions to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

Department of Justice
Responsible Enterprise Architecture management, planning, operations, and maintenance of hardware located in the FBI data centers.

Department of Education
Supports the internet and the intranet and associated applications for the entire department.

Department of Health and Human Services
Provides strategic direction, data administration support services, and governance across the CMS enterprise.

Department of Housing and Urban Development
Delivers voucher and financial management services to the Office of Public and Indian Housing.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Provides software analysis and design, computer programming, service desk support, data center support, configuration management, testing, and troubleshooting, along with transformative services.

US Courts
Provides advanced Agile and DevOps methodology/pipeline support to the Administrative Office of the United States Courts.